DNPA Code of Ethics For

Purpose: At, we expect all employees to uphold high ethical standards in their work. This policy encourages everyone to conduct business with integrity and to comply with laws, avoiding any personal gain.

General Policy Application:

Gifts, Favors, and Payments

Giving Gifts, Favors, and Payments:
Employees can give gifts or entertainment at company expense if they meet these criteria:
1. They follow accepted business practices.
2. They are of modest value and won’t be seen as bribes.
3. They comply with laws and ethical standards.
4. Public disclosure won’t embarrass the company.

Payments or gifts to associates of customers, or their family members, not covered by a written contract, are not allowed.

Receiving Gifts, Favors, and Payments:

1. Employees must not seek or accept gifts or payments without a valid business reason. Personal loans are only allowed from banks or financial institutions.
2. Employees can accept small, common business courtesies like:
– Lunch or dinner invitations with vendors (spouses can join if invited).
– Small gifts from vendors (e.g., pens, calendars).
– Tickets to events (like sports) if the vendor is present.
– Holiday gifts of food (like cookies) are acceptable.

3. More formal outings (like golf or fishing) require prior approval and vendor presence; family members cannot attend.
4. Using a vendor’s vacation home is not allowed unless the vendor is present and it happens once a year for a short duration.
5. Cash or cash-equivalent gifts (like stocks) are never allowed.
6. Management should not accept gifts of significant value from employees they supervise.

Conflicts of Interest:

Employees should avoid situations where personal interests conflict with company interests. Always act in the company’s best interest and report any potential conflicts to your manager, such as:
1. Owning a significant interest in a competing business.
2. Serving as a director or consultant for a competitor.
3. Acting as a broker for others in business dealings involving the company.
4. Any personal relationships that could affect decision-making.

Confidential Information:

Employees must not share or misuse confidential company information. Violating this policy can lead to disciplinary action, including termination.


Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action. Employees should report any known violations to management. Each manager is responsible for ensuring compliance in their area. For questions, contact the Vice President of Human Resources.

Social Media Guidelines

– Use good judgment.
– Remember your posts are public and permanent.
– You represent yourself and the company; be professional.

Understand Social Media:

Social media includes all online communication like blogs, social networks, and chat rooms.

Company Policies:

Familiarize yourself with company policies. Inappropriate content, such as discriminatory remarks or harassment, is not tolerated.

Posting Guidelines

You are responsible for what you post; think before you hit “publish.”
If discussing the company, identify yourself as an employee and clarify that your views are personal.
Be respectful and professional, avoiding malicious or harmful statements.
Be honest and accurate; correct mistakes promptly.
Respect copyright and confidentiality; do not disclose sensitive information without permission.

Reporting Concerns

If you see a violation of this policy, report it to Human Resources. The company protects employees who report issues.


At, we have a strict policy against plagiarism.


Reporters must seek responses from both sides of a story, ensuring accusations are presented fairly and allowing for thorough replies.